I think I can teach YOU how to be predicting earthquakes, too!


Lightning in Suquamish

Lightning Strikes Near Seattle

I will provide information on how I predicted earthquakes with a 90% success rate over a three-year time period in Los Angeles.

After being right so many times, the word got out and I started getting calls from celebrities and sports stars.


Predicting earthquakes was really quite easy, and although the landscape has changed a bit, I hope it is easy again soon!

The bottom line for me has been to learn how to interpret animal behavior, and to chart the lost and found animals. Animals are more sensitive to some things and we humans can benefit if we’d just pay attention.  Some humans are sensitive as well if they allow themselves to be and fine-tune the skill. For me it was just count the animals, chart the numbers, then tell everyone when an earthquake is coming if a threshold was crossed.

I have not done this for a couple of decades. Still, I bet the concepts are still valid. At the very least, we can learn about animal behavior, about emergency preparedness, and about what to do about radiation.



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